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2017年04月12日 23:22 网络教育何老师我要评论(1)
Focal Points and Tips of AE3 Final Examination
1. General introduction:
1.1  Resources for preparing final exam

What resources are available? Where are these resources?
Tutorial PPT forum
Mock testpaper Review unit
Exam Focal Points and Tips forum
Exam orientation program Forum &VOB (coming in December, 20th)
1.2  Final examination guideline
•   Calculation of final score:
scores of two assignments ╳ 20% + scores of 8 units self-assessment ╳ 10% + Final exam ╳ 70%
•   Test range: Unit 1 – 8
•   Test structure:

Section Part Weights
I. Spelling   10
II. Vocabulary and grammar   40
III. Text comprehension Paraphrase 20
Write a summary 10
IV. Translation (C-E)   20
Focal points:
Tip: CE3*ER3的课程重点如下列表所示。请同学们按照题型掌握。
CE3  Focal points
Part 1 Spelling: you need to grasp the spelling and meaning of the following words. The detailed information is included in the textbook.

Unit Words
Unit 1 essential  core  preliminary  publish advisable  comparison      assist   currently  expectation 
edition  advisable  assist   balance   aspect   revise
Unit 2 commemorate   celebrate   decorate  originally strike
religious substitute protest proportion represent    contain    recognition  enthusiasm   diminish
Unit 3 poverty   lucrative   estimated   depressed  violate
quota  exhausted   breathtaking  account   submit
Unit 4 fertile   consequence    impact   discourage
maintain  vegetation  rational  response specify   project   access   render
Unit 5 stride   overtake   stare  fascinated
touch   peep  slide   apparently   apply
Unit 6 enormous   crucial   limitation  account   adequate
afford   accessible negotiate breakdown extend   assume   range    available
Unit 7 analysis    privileged  conflict  attach  locate  ensure
apply   boost  engage reserve affluent  optimistic  disappointment    complex  daunting
Unit 8 comparatively  board  entitle  counterpart  average
occupation  strategy  protest  invisible  disappointment(s)
Part 2  Vocabulary and Grammar: you are expected to grasp the usage and meaning of the following phrases. The detailed information is included in the tutorial PPT on the course forum uploaded by me.

Unit Phrases
Unit 1 1.        be expected to do
2.        be faced with
3.        refer to
4.        cope with
5.        as a whole
6.        look through
7.        be relevant to
8.        be concerned with
9.        be up to
10.    in addition
Unit 2 1.        go far beyond  
2.        prefer to
3.        be intended to 
4.        center sth round sb/sth 
5.        make one‘s way 
6.        give sb a day off 
7.        get sth done 
8.        enable sb to do
9.        in recognition of
Unit 3 1.        be left over
2.        take advantage of
3.        be free of
4.        submit to
5.        adhere to
6.        persist in
7.        suffer from
8.        complain about
9.        instead of
10.    be applied to
Unit 4 1.        appear to be
2.        as to
3.        in general
4.        lie in
5.        due to
6.        in terms of
7.        be prepared to
8.        respond to
9.        intend to do sth
10.    de dependent on/upon
Unit 5 1.        stand a chance
2.        in case
3.        at the top of one's voice
4.        in a flash
5.        by an effort
6.        to and fro 
7.        pass on to
8.        by / with an effort
9.        for the sake of
Unit 6 1.        no matter 
2.        suit one‘s needs 
3.        as well 
4.        go for 
5.        cope with
6.        be tempted by
7.        come at
8.        try sth. out  
9.        give access to
10.    beware of
11.    be likely to do
12.    make a difference to
Unit 7 1.        team up with
2.        come up with
3.        bear out
4.        take into account
5.        apply to
6.        keep… in check
7.        engage in
8.        get involved in
9.        ensure that
Unit 8 1.        be entitled
2.        make up
3.        be better off
4.        interpret … as
5.        isolate sb from
6.        going it alone to
7.        account for
8.        subject to
9.        be keen on
Part 3  Paraphrase: you are expected to understand the following sentences from the textbook and know how to phrase them properly. The reference answers are included in the tutorial PPT on the course forum uploaded by me.

Unit Sentences
Unit 1 1.        You are expected to read some of the items – and to “dip into” others.
2.        It is of course essential to study “core” subjects.
Unit 2 1.        However, other than wishing others a happy Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving is not nearly as demanding as Christmas.
2.        The celebration of Christmas goes far beyond its origins, and most of its festivities have little to do with religion.
3.        Every year, voices rise to protest the insane commercialization of Christmas, but nothing has dimmed the enthusiasm for gift-giving.
Unit 3 1.        While the social program managed to reduce the most extreme poverty in Appalachia, the government’s role has since changed dramatically.
2.        While the resulting social program managed to reduce the most extreme poverty in Appalachia, the government’s role has since changed dramatically.
3.        According to their accounts, the factory fits the definition of a sweatshop as specified by the laws of more than a dozen US cities and counties that ban using public funds to buy from such places.
Unit 4 1.        A number of estimates have been made as to the level of future sea rises as a consequence of climate change.
2.        Such a response depends upon changes in the use of land in coastal areas, and in life style.
Unit 5 1.        With one last touch of humanity I turned the blade back and struck him with the handle.
2.        In the darkness, I could just see the thinglike an elephant trunk more than anything else—waving towards me, and touching and examining the walls, coals, and ceiling.
Unit 6 1.        When deciding what computer to buy, the simplest and best advice is to go for the biggest numbers you can afford.
2.        Buying a personal computer is never easy. It is better to do some research, learn to find your way round some basic jargon and ask some crucial questions.
3.        When you buy a computer, the choice is enormous. The range of prices, makes and models seems limitless, and advice will come at you from every angle.
Unit 7 1.        Happy people try to ensure that they keep their negative emotions in check.
2.        Beth expects each day to be rewarding, and accepts ordinary disappointments as a part of living.
3.        Researchers have pinpointed a number of traits seemingly shared by happy people.
Unit 8 1.        The world may be becoming a more female-friendly place but corporate boardrooms are not, with women holding under 3 percent of top management jobs in western firms.
2.        Even when women make it though the “glass ceiling”---an invisible barrier of male-dominated prejudices and met works---they earn far less than men.
3.        The higher the position, the more glaring the gender gap.
Part 4  Translation: you are expected to understand the given phrases from the textbook and know how to translate each sentence with them properly. The reference answers are included in the tutorial PPT on the course forum uploaded by me.

Unit Sentences
Unit 1 1.        传统大众媒介面临着互联网的挑战。(be faced with)
2.        希望你每月初付账单。( be expected to)
3.        中国足球队失利了,但总体表现还不错。(as a whole)
4.        从调查结果似乎可以看出低劣的住房条件和不健康的身体之间的关系。(to indicate)
Unit 2
  1. 中秋节是主要庆祝活动是吃月饼和赏月。(center around)
  2. 打算在新年换工作的人们往往在圣诞节后开始行动。(intend to )
  3. 他得到了五千元的现金,作为对他勇敢行为的奖励。(in recognition of )
  4. 如若一个游戏真的有吸引力,就会被一个又一个民族所接受,直到传遍全世界。(to make one’s way)
Unit 3
  1. 这种化学物质是用来保持织物不易弯曲和褶皱。(free of)
  2. 这个问题我们只好留到下次会议讨论了。 (leave over)
  3. 他到城市寻求财富,结果却锒铛入狱。(seek)
  4. 大家都看到了事实。你为什么还坚持否认自己的过错呢?(persist)
  5. 如果联邦政府的承包商一再违反工资法,就会丧失承包合同,而这些合同利润可观。(persist in)
Unit 4
  1. 这个罪犯之所以落网,主要是因为警方的周密安排,而不是警方的运气好。(due to)
  2. 目前我们只好等一等看。(at present)
  3. 小心那些表里不一的人。 (appear to be)
  4. 科学家们指出了两种方法来应对全球变暖的问题。(respond to)
  5. 巴黎在法国扮演着一个重要的角色,不仅是在政治方面,也是在经济实力上。(in terms of)
Unit 5
  1. 你们没有机会赢得这场比赛。 (stand a chance)
  2. 我透过窗户窥视,看见托尼正眯缝着双眼看电视。 (peep, shortsightedly)
  3. 费了好大劲儿,我才找到影院。 (with/by an effort)
  4. 如果再下点功夫,我能把计划安排得更好些 (with/by an effort)
Unit 6 1.            请注意了,如果你选择邮购,那么咨询和售后服务则不能保证。(note, available)
2.            你们必须尽可能快地完成这项重要任务,但同时也应该保证质量。(as well)
3.            他是位才华横溢的教授,但是作为管理者就有其局限性了。(limitations)
Unit 7 1.        统计数字表明肺癌与吸烟有关的说法是正确的。(bear out)
2.        她做护士很不顺心,但当管理人员似乎倒很适合她。(frustrated)
3.        约翰目前在从事保护野生鸟类的工作。(engage in)
4.        教师应该具备的一种品质就是在课堂上控制自己个人情绪的能力。(to keep in check)
Unit 8 1.  所有公民,不分种族、肤色、宗教信仰,都享有选举权。(irrespective of)
2.  科学家们指出了两种方法来应对全球变暖的问题。(respond to)
3.  这所大学已经造就了很多第一流的外交家。(turn out)
4.  妇女占这个国家人口的60%。(make up)

ER 3 Focal points
ER3 test structure:

Section Part Weights
I. Vocabulary MC 15
Blank-filling with options 10
II. Graded Reading (1) Text 1: T/F/NM OR MC 15
Text 2: Summary blank-filling 20
III. Graded Reading (2) Text 1: Short-answer questions 10
Text 2: MC 10
Text 3:
(1)   Short-answer questions OR MC
(2)   Write a summary
Part 1  Vocabulary : grasp the meaning of the following words or phrases. The detailed study of them is included in the tutorial PPT on the course forum uploaded by me.

Unit Words Phrase
Unit 1 1.        permissive
2.        extreme
3.        diversity
4.        loyal
5.        residence
6.        territory
7.        descent
8.        resource
9.        necessity
10.    embrace
11.    extortion
12.    enthusiast
13.    exceed
1.        come into conflict with
2.        hand over 
3.        belong to 
4.        take up (residence)
5.        consist of 
6.        play one‘s part in
7.        set aside
8.        depend on
9.        range from … to…
10.    have difficulty in 
Unit 2 1.        ultimate
2.        celebrity
3.        estimation
4.        ethnic
5.        vitality
6.        architecture
7.        compact
8.        animated
9.        biased
10.    parade
11.    estimation
12.    spectacular
13.    rowdy
1.        set…apart 
2.        kick off
3.        in full swing
4.        range from … to …
5.        cram with
Unit 3 1.        sparkling
2.        accelerate
3.        drain
4.        upturn
5.        sluggish
6.        obstacle
7.        maintenance
8.        formulate
9.        motivate
10.    delirious
11.    consistent
12.    distinguish
13.    ensure
1.        leave sth. to sb.
2.        interfere in/with
3.        alert sb. to sth.
4.        distinguish from
5.        act on
6.        break even
7.        be ready to roll
8.        add up
9.        be involved in
10.    tune out
Unit 4 1.        bilateral 
2.        ecosystem
3.        seethe
4.        impact
5.        plausible
6.        collapse
7.        depressing
8.        abandon
9.        devastate
10.    consistently
11.    construct
12.    controversial
13.    sustainable
14.    exclusive
1.        in excess of
2.        meet the needs of
3.        put forward
4.        drift out of
5.        fall back on
6.        be guilty of
7.        rely on
8.        confuse…with…
9.        fall on the side of
10.    base on 
Unit 5 1.        replace
2.        incredible
3.        intercept
4.        agony
5.        overhear
6.        vaguely
7.        disturbance
8.        flexible
9.        universal
10.    humiliation
11.    commentary
  1. fade out
  2. tune into
  3. spread out
  4. be on full alert
  5. be glued to
  6. be jammed with
  7. go mad with joy
  8. bone up on
  9. polish up
  10. help out 
Unit 6 1.            distinction
2.            expire
3.            consequence
4.            exhaustive
5.            notoriously
6.            contradictory
7.            manual 
8.            incompatible
9.            dominate
10.        motto
11.        portion
1.        set up   
2.        read up on sth.
3.        tear your hair out 
4.        hit on (an idea)
5.        link up 
6.        come up with (an idea)
7.        cope with
8.        catch on
9.        work on
10.    disconnect from
Unit 7 1.        bewildered
2.        outweigh
3.        initiate
4.        custody
5.        allocate
6.        weird
7.        parallel
8.        domain
9.        illusion
10.    ritual
11.    vocal
12.    beam
1.        in the same boat
2.        end up
3.        take for granted
4.        cast off
5.        strive for
6.        take advantage of
7.        look after
8.        follow suit
9.        trade in
10.    fall short of
Unit 8 1.        dismiss
2.        equality
3.        masculine
4.        subsequently
5.        analogy
6.        markedly
7.        concrete
8.        luxury
9.        demolish
10.    delicate
11.    premise
1.        even up
2.        put forward
3.        derive from
4.        work out
5.        combine with
6.        fit in with
7.        cling to
Part 2  Graded reading
May include but not limited to the following:
Unit 1 Textbook text 2 Canada seeks to lose its image as a crime haven
Unit 2 Learners’ Workbook: Supplementary reading passage 1 Immigration fuels New York City boom
Unit 3 Textbook Text 1 It’s summer
Unit 3 Learners’ Workbook: Supplementary reading passage 1 The three keys that turn customers into lifetime clients
Unit 4 Textbook Text 2 The cod collapse
Unit 5 Learners’ Workbook: supplementary reading passage 3 Five scientific breakthroughs of the 21st Century
Unit 6 Textbook Text 2 The internet
Unit 6 Learners’ Workbook: supplementary reading passage 2 The virtual college
Unit 7 Textbook Text 1 Success in marriage: men know the secret
Unit 8 Textbook Text 1 Women at work.

IE3 口试话题准备范围 (by Liu Shanshan)
IE 3 test structure:

Section Part Weights
I. Listen to short passage three-option multiple-choice 25
II. Listen to long conversation Con 1: Summary blank filling: Each blank contains only one word. (The first letter has been given.) 20
Con 2: True or False/four-option multiple-choice 15
III. Listen to a passage/monologue True or False 40
Important reminders:
The conversation will be divided into two parts, each part taking about 5 minutes. In Part 1, A asks questions, and B responds. In Part 2, B asks questions, and A responds.
In the test paper, some suggestions will be given to you about the topic, but you may also add your own questions related to the topic.
It’s a strong recommendation that you have a close look at the sample test paper of IE 3 on e-platform.
You both have the responsibility to keep the conversation going.
The following is a range of topics which requires your preparation:
l   Have a small talk with a stranger (such as hometown, study/job, interests, etc.)
l   Travelling (such as favorite destinations, unforgettable trips, traveling advice, etc)
l   Talk about movies (such as your favorite movie genres, plots, directors, stars, the most touching scenes, etc)
l   Talking about scientific fiction movies
l   Complain to your friend about one of your problems and seek advice on that
l   Invite a friend to dinner and give information about the party (such as time, place, what to wear, guests, etc)
l   Talk about an impressive party you attended, such as a birthday party, a dinner party, a New Year party, etc.
l   Talking about your life at Beiwaionline
l   Talking about computers
l   Invite a friend to a trip with you (such as destination, duration, necessities, transportation, etc)
l   life in Beijing and famous tourist attractions in Beijing
关于听力考试,只有三十分钟的考试时间,这次试卷大部分试题选自课本之外,但难度会与课文相当。选自课本的听力题目,会从1, 3,4,5,8单元中的听力练习题选出。所以,建议大家把这几个单元的听力题,全部精听一遍。

10.     书上的知识点我都能理解,能够看懂听懂。但知道和能够说出口之间是有gap的。对策:要开口说出来,让嘴巴和脑子能够熟练配合。要多多visualize,把语言点和实际情境多多联系。
11.     背了很多东西,脑子里有很多input,词汇量很大,口语就是好的。但语言归根结底还是要交流的,互动性。交流技巧和熟练性同样重要。多多给自己机会练习交流,抓住一切机会多说。笔友,口语练习伙伴,论坛。活用常用的词汇,而不是难词,偏僻词。
12.     做对话时要事先设计好谁先说,谁后说,说什么。实际对话不可能这样子的。多说多练。练是有技巧的,不是盲目的。可以基于书本上的单元,或是自己决定topic,在有一定语言点和词汇可以参考的基础上,加以练习,把知识转化成能力。笔友,聊友,很重要。
13.     临阵磨枪,不快也光。一定程度上对的。但是舌头在口腔内活动自如,口腔肌肉迅速适应英文发音,脑子和嘴巴配合,使我们的口语相当流利,清晰,而且还有自信,是需要不断训练的。最好每天能够有一定的时间大声念,背,跟读,复述。
14.     我想提高口语能力,只要多说就可以了。听说读写各项能力是一个有机整体,是互相影响,互相提高的。在语言的五大基本技能中,听、说、读、写、译各种能力之间都或多或少地存在着一种制约关系。不能孤立的看待一个方面。是一种综合能力,涉及到语言、文化、习俗等多方面的因。仅仅通过一门口语课的学习来提高口语是很困难的。口语课的学习必须与其他方法同步进行。Output,与input(听与读)的关系。Writing can make our oral English precise and accurate. Writing can sharpen our minds. 并且听力对于口试也是至关重要的,至少要能够听懂老师的问题和同学所说的。Bbc, voa, http://www.unsv.com/    http://voa.hjenglish.com/
15.     口试中,不能说话太少。也不要说的过多,要了解自己的位置。
16.     要掌握一些讨论的技巧,冷场,把包袱推给对方,跑题,转换话题,听不懂或没听清。。。
17.      听懂问题再回答,如果听不懂可以让老师重复。
18.     有礼有节,尊重考官。参加口试进门先跟考官打招呼,在得到允许后坐下;在考试过程中,自然,积极,主动,不要总盯着考官或同伴,但也要有眼神交流,创造和谐气氛;考试完毕,要对考官表示感谢。将心比心,考官也是人,轻松的气氛有利于更好的发挥。
19.     不要把主考官当成交流对象,讲话时应对着自己的搭档而不是对着主考官。考官,observer
20.     不要过于紧张,害怕口试,畏惧心理。紧张,语无伦次,听不懂对方问题。通过率还是很高的,要有信心,不要影响自己的应试表现。
21.     不能只是简单把prompts提示读出来,归根结底还是一个对话。要有过渡,问候---开始讨论话题---引向深入。要用Paraphrase的方法问问题,问题不能局限于提示,达到考试要求的获取信息的目的,要注意礼貌。如果过程中有没有阐述清,或听清,或有疑问的情况,如何应对。
要掌握一定量的“填空词”(mouth-filling phrases)或衔接词。所谓填空词就是指在说话时由于犹豫、思索、改变话题、进而说明等需要而发出的某些模糊声音,在语流出现空白时起填空作用,以便使语流免于中断,同时也对说 话者的情绪起稳定作用。不要误解,这里所说的“填空词”并不是真正意义上的填空词,因为口试具有边说边想、时间紧迫等特点,所以要求考生会使用一些填空 词。英语中常见的起填空作用的声音词有er, mm, um等,通常没有特定的语义。起填空作用的词和词语有well, perhaps, you see, you know, I mean, it seems that, sort of, kind of等。但不要滥用,abuse。
Listing: first, second,third…,in the first place, in the second place, last, last but not the least, to begin with, first of all, next
cause and effect: consequently, therefore, accordingly, as a result, because, for this reason, hence, thus
 递进sequence/adding: furthermore, in addition, moreover, what is more, also, and, besides, furthermore,
 comparison or contrast: similarly, also, in the same way, likewise, however, in contrast, nevertheless, nonetheless, on the contrary
example: for example, for instance, to illustrate/demonstrate my point, as an illustration, let’s me give an example, a case in point is…
让步concession/balancing: although…we mustn’t forget/we have to remember that…, while it may be true that…
restatement: that is, in other words, in short, in essence
summary: in conclusion, to conclude, to summarize, in summary,  on the whole, in brief, all things considered, generally speaking, in general
Yes:  You bet, Absolutely, Totally
No:   I seriously doubt it, I wish I could, I am afraid not
I like:   I am a huge fan of…, I am fond of...,
I agree:   Exactly, Totally, I couldn’t agree more, Yes, indeed
I think:   I figure, I reckon, I feel, I guess
I want to:   I am thinking of…, I am hoping to…
Pardon:   I didn’t quite catch that. Could you please repeat one more time?
Thank you:   I appreciate that
Conversational tips:
How to keep the conversation going?
What can you say when you want to encourage people to keep talking to you? Try making comments or asking questions. If you do this, you show the other person that you are interested in what they are saying. Here are some examples of what you can say:
Making comments
"No!" - to show surprise
"I don't believe it!" - to show surprise
"Wow!" - to show admiration or surprise
"That's incredible / amazing / unbelievable" - to show great interest in the subject of conversation
"How awful / terrible" - to show sympathy with someone else's bad news
Asking questions
"Really?" - to show surprise
"And you?" - when someone asks you how you are
"Did you?" - can be used to encourage someone to tell their story.

  • Can you give more details?
  • Can you give me some examples?
  • Can you explain it more clearly?
  • Can you say something more about it?
  • Please give me an example.
How to ask for opinion
What’s your opinion of…?
What’s your position on…?
What do you think of…?
I’d like to hear your views on…?
How to present your opinion
Giving strong opinion:
I firmly believe that…
I’m absolutely convinced that…
It’s my belief that…
There’s no doubt in my mind that…
It’s quite clear that…
I’m certain that…
Giving neutral opinion
I think that…
In my opinion, …
As I see it, …
As far as I’m concerned, …
From my point of view, …
How to interrupt
May I interrupt you for a moment?
Sorry to interrupt, but…
If I may just interrupt you for a moment, I’d like to…
I don’t want to interrupt you, but…
How to handle interruptions
Yes, go ahead.
Sorry, please let me finish…
If I may finish this point…
Can I come to that later?
That’s not really relevant at this stage…
Can we leave that to another discussion?
I’m afraid I can’t agree with you on that.  As I was saying…
How to clarify

  • I’m afraid I’m not quite clear what you mean by …
  • I’m sorry, I don’t understand what you mean by …
  • I’m sorry, but could you explain what you mean by …
  • What (exactly) do you mean by …
  • What (exactly) are you trying to say?
How to give clarification

  • Well, the point I’m trying to make is that…
  • Well, what I’m trying to say is that…
  • What I mean is that…
  • All I’m trying to say is that…
  • Well, what I’m getting at is that…
  • Ah, I mean…
  • Um, I think…
  • Well, Let me see. ….
How to agree
Strong agreement
I completely agree.
I agree entirely with your point of view.
I’m in total agreement.
Neutral agreement
I agree.
I think you’re right.
Partial agreement:
I agree with you on the whole, but don’t you think…
Although I agree with most of what you’ve said, I find it difficult to agree with your point about…
How to disagree
Strong disagreement:
I totally disagree with you.
I don’t agree at all.
You’re completely mistaken.
I disagree entirely.
What you are saying is just not feasible.
Neutral disagreement:
I don’t completely agree with you on that.
I really can’t agree with you on that.
I can’t accept our point of view.
I feel I must disagree.






